On a whim yesterday, I discovered an Irish pot of gold! Ha. Just in time for St. Patty's day, home-made green waffles!
As much as I tried to expose Roswelle to different foods early on with baby led weaning, she is quite the picky eater! Up until recently she has only been consuming green vegetables via food pouches. While those are great, I would love for her to know we chew our greens too - we don't just suck them down mixed in applesauce. I've shown her how I add spinach to our smoothies in the morning, in my salads, and even with my scrambled eggs. I'm hoping if she sees me enjoying them, she will be more inclined to try as well.
Yesterday, she requested banana waffles and I decided to add pureed spinach to them, right in front of her. She was a little apprehensive at first, exclaiming that the batter must be for mommy not Roro. But once the waffle was ready, she was less concerned about the color and just wanted to gobble it up! The banana, coconut flour, and vanilla extract help keep them sweet. While the eggs and spinach make them nutritious!
I'm feeling the luck of the Irish over here, getting my 3 year old to eat something green! ;) Hope you and your family enjoy them as much as us!
Recipe is at the end of the post >>
These will keep in the refridgerater for 3-4 days. I keep them on hand, giving a wedge to Roswelle when she needs a snack. And they are great for days when we are on the go!
Recipe //
2 ripe, softened bananas
3 eggs
5 heaping tbsp Coconut Flour
1/4 tsp baking soda
1 tsp vanilla extra
1/2 cup pureed spinach
Mix all ingredients well (I use my Kitchen Aid Mixer). Add 3/4 cup of batter to waffle maker - or the amount of batter you would normally add to your waffle maker. Enjoy!!
I adapted this recipe from Paleo-OMG's banana pancake recipe.