Sorelle Bakery + Cafe

I'm really lovin' it.  Roswelle's exploratory, interactive, giggly age. Boston in the Spring. Plan free weekends in the city.  It's just good y'all.  

On Saturday, we ventured out and about and into the city for lunch. We avoided the Marathon mayhem in Back Bay and went to a well lit little cafe in the financial distract near the water, Sorelle Cafe + Bakery.   If you are out in the city for the Boston Marathon today and looking for a not so packed place to take a break this is where I would recommend - super close to South Station as well.

Speaking of the Boston Marathon, praying for the runners today in the not so ideal weather conditions - especially Erin G and Jess S! Such an amazing achievement to complete and even more amazing in the harsh wind and rain.  Good luck!

Jenny and Maddie met up with us for lunch.  Below are some personal pictures of cutie-pa-tooties!

Sweet Life Bakery + Cafe

{almond citrus bread}

One of my favorite things about living in Boston (sometimes hard to remember in this Winter) is the possibility of discovering an amazing cafe, restaurant, coffee shop in your neighborhood.  Recently I found all three in one great spot - Sweet Life Bakery + Cafe! It has everything I could ever want in a cafe...endless coffee, sweet baked items, plenty of space, good lighting, a fire place and free wifi!  I have started going here to blog and have a quiet cup of coffee while Roswelle is at a playdate/sitter on Wednesdays for 3 hours.  It's something new she and I are trying out...this whole separation thing, and it's proving to be quite wonderful for both of us. :)  3 miles from our house deep in Dorchester, this is my new spot to take my friends and family.  The freshly baked sourdough is a must try!!

{the breakfast bar}

{details I appreciate}

{the bakery - where I will be ordering Roswelle's birthday cupcakes}

Tatte Cafe and Bakery

A few weekends ago I saw a picture on Instagram of a cafe in town - Tatte Bakery and Cafe.  It looked like a mixture of lovely and cool and I decided I would try it out this week - a reason to get out of the house with Roswelle, coffee, and something to blog about...perfect! 

Below are some quick photos I managed to get with a busy, busy
baby on my hands. There is no graceful entrance, casual coffee, and relaxing blogging/reading these days! Thankfully, I was able to meet a girlfriend there (was great catching up with you Erin!) who happily held her while I snapped a few quick shots.  By the end Roswelle had had enough and was screaming (arched back and all) and we quickly left the rest of the sans-baby patrons so that they could have their lunch and coffee in peace.  

All in all it was a successful trip!  I'm hoping to hit this up with my girlfriends for brunch this winter.

{a cool, eclectic light display in the center of the shop}

{ Avocado & Soft Egg Tartine was simple but surprisingly delicious. I could not get enough!} 

What I SHOULD have ordered: the Shakshuka, looked amazing!

{our hipsteriest (new word, folks) outfits I could conjure up}

{Roswelle's new favorite doll, a blabla doll, more on that another time}

Brunch: Craigie on Main

I haven't blogged about food in a while!  We have been so focused on house projects that we haven't really been out to eat anywhere new in the past couple of months.  Well that is changing this month.  I am fully committed to enjoying our last month as DINKs by eating out at amazing restaurants, seeing moves, taking naps, & lots of yoga/exercising to balance everything out.  I reached out to a few of my foodie friends and had them tell me the 'must-go-to' restaurants in the area.  Once I had the list, I set up multiple reservations on opentable throughout the month (see my list at the end).  Craigie on Main in Cambridge was one of them.  It's a great restaurant all around but it is well-known for their Sunday Brunch...specifically their grassfed burger & house-made donuts.  We had both!   

{the infamous house-made donut with confiture du lait}

{grass-fed beef cheek & smoked beef tongue hash}

{grilled cheese & chicken confit sandwich - with house-made celery slaw, pickles & housemade nutmeg ketchup - i think?}

{I also loved the decor - they had gold mirrors throughout the restaurant - I want/need that little heart mirror}

{open style kitchens are the best}

The rest of our list: (cambridge is the place to eat these days)
West Bridge - Cambridge, MA - loved it, so cool.
T.W. Food - Cambridge, MA - going.
Hungry Mother - Cambridge, MA - going Friday!
Craigie on Main - Cambridge, MA - loved.
Bronwyn - Somerville, MA - going next week!
Island Creek Oysters - Boston, MA - reservation made
Hamersley's Bistro - Boston, MA - went, great food, not my fav atmosphere.

There are sooo many more good restaurants in Boston - but the criteria for our list was that we hadn't been there before (or at least one of us).  Let me know if you have any more must tries!