Traveling with Baby: Carry-on Guide

I've flown with Roswelle literally too many times to count. Our first flight was when she was 9 weeks old and her most recent flight will be this afternoon for a trip to GA to visit family. Traveling with a baby has multiple challenges, and they change with the age of the child (or children). Below I've highlighted some of my favorite products for traveling with children from 0 to 2+ years of age. Some of the products might be obvious, some not so much, and I've written a quick blurb as to why each item was selected.

Travel with Baby
This is a great age to fly. Challenges: keeping their ears unplugged from altitude change, going to the bathroom with a baby attached to you (if flying alone - which I often do), and keeping germs away from your baby!!!! Perks: The plane will lull them to sleep, you don't need to pack too much to keep them occupied, and they are fairly predictable at this age. 

Items to carry-on...
1: Changing Station - most planes have a small changing station, however some older planes won't. You may find yourself changing your baby on the floor in the back of the plane. Even if you are lucky enough to have a changing station in the bathroom, you will want this pad to make things easier.
2: Medela hand pump - I pray you never have a delay while on a plane with a baby, but there is a chance it will happen. If your baby isn't nursing, or you just need some relief, this manual hand-pump is a great solution when you don't have access to an outlet for power.
3: Infantino 360 Carrier - So many carriers are $150+ which is just absurd, even though I'm pretty sure I have one. However, this Infantine brand is affordable at $29.99 and works so well! I would strap Roswelle into our carrier on the flight and after she fell asleep I would have my hands free to read a magazine - such a treat.
4: Downtown Tote - You will need a large sturdy bag to carry all that a baby requires.  This pottery barn tote is stylish and useful with lots of pockets inside. 
5: Stanley Thermos - Whether you have packed pre-pumped milk or using formula, it is always great to have a way to warm up the bottle for baby. This thermos will keep water piping hot all day long and is big enough that you can pop the bottle in the canteen of hot water, close it up, and in 10 minutes or less you have a warm bottle.
6A: Oh Joy! Swaddle Blanket - I love the swaddle blankets because they cover so much space and are super light weight. I would keep one over Roswelle when in the carrier or my arms, and God forbid you sit next to someone with a cough, your baby will be all the more protected.
6B: Oh Joy! Flamingo - just super cute and takes up little space in your bag.
7: WubbaNub - So obvious, but so important that it must be included on this list.

Travel with Baby

In my opinion this is by farrrrr the hardest age to fly with a baby. They are less likely to sleep on the plane and they want to move move MOVE!! I highly suggest flying with a partner during this age but if you must fly alone (again I did 60% of the time, so it can be done!) here are some items that will make the flight less traumatic for you (I silently cried many times mid-flight during this stage)...

Items to carry-on...

1: Oh Joy! Backpack Diaper Bag - A backpack will come in handy when chasing your walker/runner around the airport, jetway, or airplane aisle. I love the Oh Joy! line at Target. 
2: Jellycat Puppy - The Jellycat brand is a universal hit with little humans and the puppy seems to be a front runner! If you don't have one yet, maybe wait until the flight to bring it out? Your baby will be delighted with a new, interesting toy to hold during the flight.
3: Water Wipes - Regular wipes are great, but I don't love using them on Roswelle's food containers, hands, or mouth. These chemical free version is a safer way to wipe the mess away.
4a: Food Pouches - Food, food, food, and more food. I stuffed Roswelle silly on flights during this age.
4b: Little Yums - Another favorite, more bang for your buck and organic.
5: Munchkin 360 Sippy Cup - It took her a while to figure these out, but once she did it became a favorite brand of her's and mine and is less likely to leak.
6: Karen Katz Books - At this age, she loved flap books and being quizzed on body parts. Karen Katz fills our bookshelf!

Travel with Baby
I am LOVING this age for flying. Roswelle gets her own seat next to me (tough on the budget, but so good for my soul). She has a longer attention span, will sit still longer, and I can sometimes even reason with her! 

Items to carry-on....
1: Affordable Urbini Stroller - Never give up the stroller when traveling. So many airports have express security lines for strollers. I plan to have Roswelle in one at the airport until she is 6 ;) I wouldn't suggest bringing an expensive brand as they will make you gate-check the stroller and we have had one broken. We love the urbini brand from Wal-mart and it costs only $60.
2. Trader Joe's Fruit Bars - These have been a favorite of mine for some time now. Roswelle loves them and I know exactly what ingredients are in them.
3: Personalized Backpack - Have your toddler help with the load! Roswelle loves wearing her personalized backpack gifted from Aunt Jenny and Uncle Rob. And it frees up some space in my purse.
4: Disney's Lady - Bring a favorite stuffed animal ("Lady" for Roswelle) and maybe a new one (Tramp) or a new toy for a guaranteed good mood.
5: Bandaids - Roswelle loves bandaids at the moments, and they take up little space when packing but provide a good amount of entertainment.
6a: iPad Kid Case - Do you like sitting on a 3 hour flight without something to watch/read/entertain you? I doubt it, so why make your toddler? This is a time when I 100% promote some screen-time.
6b: On ear Headphones - Roswelle is just now agreeing to wear these at age two and I just keep the volume down super low.

Favorite Things Friday

I have to write this quickly because I'm trying to squeeze in House of Cards during her first nap. It's a little early for such a dark show but I'm too excited to wait. I thought I would do a little "Favorite Things Friday" since I have't written one in forever.  I'm sooo happy it is Friday and a sunny one at that with temperatures above freezing!! :D

Living in a small home in the city we have little space to spare.  These cylinder-like kleenex boxes are genius and can fit onto the smallest side table or shelf.  You can get them at Target!

This Honest shave oil is a spa in a 2.25oz bottle.  It's a wonderful remedy to winter skin problems and the aroma takes me away to my favorite spas every time. AND it's organic - ha! Moms, add it to your next Honest order!

It's no secret I'm a stickler for good, simple ingredients and these are great snacks with no additives.  They have the texture and convenience of the popular "puffs" but without the extra ingredients. Jenny found them at Whole Foods and I'll be back for more!

Roswelle Gray: Baby Led Weaning

Yesterday I pointed out "Roswelle's Food" in our fridge, except you didn't see baby food jars or purees.  Nope, at 6 months we introduced solids to Roswelle and did just that, solids.  On the recommendation of my peditrician, I read the book Baby Led Weaning and decided it was the approach we would take.  BLW would give me the comfort I desired of knowing exactly what I was giving Roswelle, (no GMOs, all organic, limited sugar, no external processing) and wouldn't leave me locked up in the kitchen pureeing on my Sundays (which I was fully prepared to do).  It also gives her another chance to learn and develop.  She is using all of her senses when she eats; sight, smell, touch, taste.  I'm trying to expose her to as many fruits and veggies as possible before she turns one.  I haven't decided when I will introduce chicken or red meat, maybe 9months, maybe a year?  Just whatever Paul and I feel comfortable with.  

Like anything, there are risks involved.  Yes she could choke, but I guarantee you she can choke on a spoonful of food too.  I make sure the pieces are either really big (for her to chew on) or really small and mushy.  I'm right there with her.  Her saliva is the first step in the digestion process and she uses a lot of it as she learns to move food around in her mouth and eventually get it down.  Definitely check with your pediatrician and pay attention to what your baby prefers (some prefer to only be spoon fed).  Check out the book HERE if you are interested and feel free to reach out to me!

A typical day for Roswelle: 
Wake 6:30am - Nurse
1st Breakfast 7am - Eggs!
Wake 10:30am - Nurse
2nd Breakfast 11am - Bananas, Organic Steel-cut Oats, sugar free apple sauce.
Wake 1:30pm  - Nurse   
Snack 2pm - Baked Apples, Sweet potato, Avocado, etc
Wake 3:30 - Nurse
Dinner 4:30 - Baked Spaghetti Squash, Sauteed Butternut Squash, Steamed Broccoli!
Nurse/Bottle of breastmilk: 5:45pm
Bath 6pm
Book 6:15pm
BED! 6:30pm

{OBSESSED with sweet potatoes}

{she thoroughly enjoyed thanksgiving}

{Maddie is learning to eat too!}

{she is a messy girl, but messy babies just means they had a great day!}

{playtime with Maddie on Thanksgiving}

{listening to GiGi}

3 items that make BLW so much easier:
Ikea Highchair - cheap and easy.
TommyTippy Bibs - they catch soooo much!
Splat Mat - will save your floors.

it's 10:27 and I can hear her playing in her crib...right on cue. see ya!

Roswelle Gray: Life at 4 months

I'm writing this as Roswelle is finishing up her 12th hour of straight sleep.  Well, minus the 20 minutes she was awake this morning at 3:40am (and a couple other times when I just reswaddled her and she fell right back asleep). I finally had the courage and strength to sleep train her and to be honest it wasn't all that bad.  She didn't cry more than 20 minutes over the last 3 nights, average was 7 minutes of tears a few different times.  It wasn't blood curdling cries was more "I don't think I like this" crying.  My biggest piece of advice is to wait until you and your baby are READY.  Her signs were that she would wake up in the middle of the night but would only be awake for 20 minutes, she wouldn't eat much when she was awake, and she would crank her neck while we were holding her almost like she wanted to be put down.  I listened and laid her down while she was still awake and she would lay there relaxing before she literally just nodded off to sleep - happened last night at 7pm.  She was ready to sleep through the night, she just needed a little encouragement. 

I may be tootin' my on horn a little early, we'll see what happens over the next few nights, but I'm going to enjoy this moment for now :)

My mom saved so many of my baby clothes and they now make up a majority of Roswelle's wardrobe.   I love how classic and simple the outfits are, they just don't make 'em like they used to!  She is in my little eyelit top and my pink ruffled bloomers.  My mom just recently brought up another batch of clothes; Roswelle will be wearing 'vintage' pieces until she is 2!

Speaking of my mom, she came to visit for a week!  

We had the best time...all of us!  Paul and I enjoyed some free time at new coffee shops, working out together, and going to dinner.  While my mom enjoyed quality 1x1 time with her grand-daughter.  WinWin for all of us. 

New favorite date spot, reading spot, anything spot - cafe nero.  AHmazing coffee shop right in the middle of the city.  It's a European chain and this is the first location in the States.  If you visit Boston you must go!  

I overindulged on cappucino's one night...had 3 and it was totally worth it.

Other randoms...

We have a mover/scooter!  She can get around pretty well by raising her legs and throwing them down.  I only loosely swaddle her in a blanket that I know she can get out of because of this.

My mom's birthday cake form the PB boulangerie in Wellfleet.  

Roswelle graduated from the bassinet in the stroller to the toddler seat.  She loves to look around and doesn't want to miss a thing!

Ok...I'm off to feed R breakfast and then heading to BYOB pilates.  Next post will be on the wall gallery I've been working on during Roswelle's naps!  I'm really excited to show you guys!


Roswelle Gray: 3 months old!

It makes me sad that I don't get to blog as much these days...I don't want to only blog about my new baby but it is pretty much what my life consists of now.  We are ordering a new stove this week so that will be a fun house update post coming up.  Roswelle is becoming a little more independent where she will actually play on her activity mat for a good chunk of time so maybe I can do some fun things around the house soon and blog it up.

BUT back to R... she is 3 1/2 months already!  She is getting more and more animated and her eyes keep getting bluer...hopefully they will reach Paul's crystal blue.  

Below are some shots of what we have been up to lately...if you follow me on Instagram some of these will be repeats. (follow us - our handles are @saralaurenl and @paul_lash)

My mom bought us the BoB stroller and we loveeeee it (including R!) She will typically fall asleep in it - even while I run.  It has been a great motivator to get me running again.  It is so light and smooth.  I definitely recommend it for an active stroller.  

{having the best time!}

Walking down Longnook Beach two weekends ago.  Paul's mom bought a 10ft umbrella and 2 kid sized tents for the girls to lay in out of the sun.  Yesterday Roswelle took a 2hr nap on the beach.  

{Paul and I had a date night at a Zac Brown Band concert in Fenway}

{my "Maine-iac" in her Lobstah attire]

{she dipped her toes in the chilly pool and was pretty content}

{baby blues and pink lips}

{all smiles}

{July 4th with her cousin Madelyn who is 8wks younger than Roswelle}

{tub time at the cottage}

Above is my favorite picture to date.  This was at 7am and everyone was happy and calm. 

{I love this picture - her chin is out of control - in the best way}

I hope y'all had a fun and safe 4th of July!  I'll be posting about our new stove when it comes in.  Have a great week!

Flying with a Baby

{2 50lb bags+2 carryons+1 diaper bag+1 stroller+1 carseat+1 baby = omg}

Happy July!!!!  This summer is flying by but is proving to the best one yet.  

Traveling with an 8 week hard work! Timing a grocery store trip with an 8 wk old is hard enough so the task of flying with Roswelle called for a lot of planning, team work, and luck! If Roswelle hadn't been 2 1/2 weeks early, we would have been flying with a 6 wk old because this trip was happening no matter what - yikes!  I can't imagine what traveling with multiple kids is like...seems like mayhem...we'll be there one day.  baby steps. literally ;)

When traveling with a baby you are allowed a stroller, a carseat, and a diaper bag free of charge.  We flew Jet Blue which meant we got one free checked bag each as well. We used uber to get an SUV taxi to the airport...with all of our luggage and our precious was necessary.  Plus, her first cab ride was not going to be in a beat up yellow thanks! 

{smooth ride for the happy baby}

We arrived 2 hours early for our flight which meant plenty of time to change her when needed, have a sit down breakfast, and pump! 

{coffee and a sleeping baby - two of my favorite things}

I proudly pumped in the woman's restroom...ya do what ya gotta do.  On my flight back I realized airports have family was perfect for pumping and changing Roswelle since I was traveling alone.

{we were both sleepy - it had been an early morning. Only Roswelle slept tho...I was too excited!

She was 8 wks so she was still sleeping through literally almost anything.
We used this airplane hammock for a little made it nice to be hands free for a few minutes.  Bonus - it also doubles as a highchair when she is older! 

I flew back alone since Paul needed to return a few days before me for work.  I was definitely nervous for it...what if I had to go to the bathroom on the plane? Who would hold her? What if she blew out her diaper on the plane while we were descending and couldn't get up?  Where would I change her diaper on the plane?  There were a lot of things that could have made for an "interesting" trip but luckily all was smooth. 

I fed her a bottle of breastmilk during the take off and landing to make sure she cleared her ears from the change in air pressure.  She slept the majority of the plane ride - babies can't help but be lulled to sleep by the loud white noise.  She did fill her diaper during the landing but it wasn't a blowout...and she didn't freak out about not getting changed quickly.  

{she didn't want to leave}

{strollers are the best!! - can you spot her little hand?}

{I was already wiped out and still waiting to board}

I was able to fly alone with her successfully but it was exhausting.  You are on high alert the entire time.  My advice - fly as a family when possible! 

I'll be writing an update about her soon - can't believe she is over 3 months!  It's just getting better and better.  :)

Roswelle's Nursery

The nursery was made possible by a lot of different people who loved Roswelle before she was even here.  I had the vision but I had little to do with execution.  Paul and his Dad, Ross, put up the grasscloth wallpaper and chair rail.  Jenny found the restoration hardware crib for me on craigslist. My mom gifted us the rocker.  My super talented girlfriend Sue painted the verses for me  - check out her website below in the details listing.  Paul sanded the dresser and fixed the broken drawers, my mom painted it.  Paul hung everything currently on the walls.  It was equal parts work and love that made this room a peaceful little palace for Roswelle. 

The bedroom will be shared by her younger to-be sibling down the road so I tried to keep the bones of the room neutral.  Pink is the accent color in the room but it goes a long way.  I've included all of the resources and details on almost everything in the room at the end of the post. 

And once again, thank you Mikhail for theses amazing pictures - see his blog here:

  I am so happy she will have these to look at and see all of the thought and care that went into her nursery.  

Rowelle update: she is still as happy as a clam.  She likes tummy time, looking at our faces and she loves b&w books! She will be 6wks old tomorrow <3

Roswelle sleeps in the moses basket every night.  We took the lining out for safety.  It has been the best since we can easily bring it into the bedroom, living room, kitchen, wherever we are at the time.  And the rocking stand is great; I definitely recommend for a bassinet.  

I love the verse above, and it definitely helps when I am trying to get her to sleep at 2am.  

Details with product links:

Wall Color: Benjamin Moore Acadia White

Grasscloth Wallpaper: American Blinds 


Dresser: owned and repainted Benjamin Moore Harbor Grey, pearl finish

Crib: Restoration Hardware- found on craigslist


Pottery Barn Wingback Convertible Rocker

, Natural Flax Belgian Linen

Paintings: by So Sue Me -  



Serena & Lily Tess Crib Collection

Gold Book Shelf: Ikea


Wall Shelves: Ikea 


Area Rug:

Overstock nuLOOM Sisal Rug


Overstock Herringbone Curtains

Ottoman: Owned & covered with a gifted sheepskin

Round Mirror: Ikea

Stockholm Mirror

Lamps: Homegoods

abc pillow:

Etsy: pilosale shop

Pink Sash: personal item from wedding dress

Lace Drape over crib: Personal Wedding Veil

Moses Basket:

Restoration Hardware Trellis Moses Basket

(on sale!)

Roswelle Gray: The first month

Well really the first 5 weeks because I basically blacked out that first week...walking zombie mode.  Having a baby is a crazy thing.  Your body goes through a traumatic experience either natural birth or c-section and then you are thrown into this new state of reality that is exhausting and emotional.  For me, having to recover from surgery while keep a little precious baby alive was a lot!  I literally cried from exhaustion but also cried when the nurse told me they had to take her out of the room to test her hearing.  Luckily Paul was completely level headed through it all and has seen me cry so many times that my crying over my new baby didn't phase him  - he kept reminding me that he had to watch out for me while I was consumed by Roswelle.  I was also lucky enough to have my mom stay with us for 2 1/2 weeks.  she did everything from getting my water (I would somehow forget it every time I nursed), doing endless laundry, grocery shopping, and just being here for moral support (like when I would cry because I wanted Roswelle to be healthy - and she 100% is).

Roswelle and I made it out of the first 10 days alive. I say Roswelle and I because the running joke is that Paul is sleeping more now than before he had a baby, one of us has to be well rested. ;)

Next up was a newborn photo shoot! We had our amazingly talented friend, Mikhail, come over on a Sunday morning for a little camera time in her nursery.  She was 16 days old. We had been getting some good sleep finally and Roswelle was proving herself to be an extremely relaxed calm baby...until that morning.  I was nervous and of course wanted it all to be perfect (the nursery, her outfit, my hair) and Paul was tense (he gets really tense when she cries and we had to remind him to smile!).  Well Miss Roswelle Gray picked up on our "new" moods and it threw her into an unfortunate fit.  She has never cried more than 4 minutes straight in her short little life...except for this morning when she screamed for about 2 hours as we tried to console her while getting our pictures taken.  I even took a 15 minute break to nurse her which luckily calmed her enough to get those great shots of Paul holding her in his hands.  Finally Paul and I gave up and gave her to my mom, once our energy left the room she calmed down and relaxed enough for Mikhail to get some shots of her sweet peanut face.  He got amazing shots of her in spite of the difficult situation...a screaming newborn, a dad that isn't smiling, and a mom with sweat behind her knees! Haha!

I've shared some of my favorite pictures from the shoot and you can see even more over at his website: And while you are there check out his other work - he is super talented!  You might remember he did a lifestyle shoot of Paul and I making breakfast way back when we were well rested dinks. 

Roswelle is now on a pretty predictable schedule thanks to Babywise and The Happiest Baby on the Block books. I am currently blogging this while drinking my coffee, hooked up to the breastpump and watching her sleep next to me in her moses basket.  Paul has started taking the morning shift so I should give him credit for her sleeping peacefully right now.  

It's been a good morning :) Enjoy the pictures!

The white dress in the picture above was my mom's when she was a baby.  It is paper thin and priceless.  The pale pink dress in the pictures later on was my baby dress.  I have a picture of me in it at 1 month old and will put it up on another day :)


I've looked at these a hundred times and can't get enough of them.  I had him take shots of her nursery and will be blogging about all the details next!
and here is some proof about what I said above!

Roswelle Gray Lashway: Her Birth Story

Well, Roswelle Gray Lashway is 1 month old so it is about time I write about her arrival before I forget all the little details.  I started writing this a week ago but I just couldn't get it finished.  Time has flown by and I already miss the first few days with her but at the same time I can't wait to start another new day with our daughter. 

Her Arrival:
There is so much to tell.  I've been trying to decide whether to write all the details out or just summarize.  I love going back and reading some of my old posts and I'm sure I will want to read this to her one day so I've decided to list it all out just as it happened.  

Paul had booked us a weekend at a bed&breakfast up in Kennebunkport, Maine as a last weekend away together.  I was 37 1/2 weeks and it was just an hour and a half away from Boston so we figured if anything happened, we would be able to get back in time.  On the Wednesday before our little trip, during my weekly appointment with my midwife, we found out she was in breech position.  We were able to confirm that day via ultrasound which was kind of shocking.  I immediately started researching natural ways to get her to flip...I started doing inverted exercises on the ironing board (check them out at, I had an acupuncture treatment on Thursday and even did some moxibustion (where you burn moxa sticks by your pinky toe!). All while praying. On Friday morning, before leaving for Maine, Paul and I met with the ob-gyn to discuss the manual "version" (flipping of the baby by pushing on my stomach) which we had scheduled for the following week.  If none of this worked, we were looking at a c-section.  I really wanted an all natural birth - and was willing to do anything to increase my odds of flipping her!

We left the the doctor's office at noon after signing the consent form for the manual version and headed north for our weekend away! We stopped in Ogunquit, ME for lunch.  It is a cute little town on the coast about an hour north of Boston and we found a great spot on the water called Jackie's Too in Perkins Cove.  We had just finished mussels and clam chowder and were waiting on Paul's lobster roll and my crab sandwich when I felt a 'pop'.  It was down at the base of my pelvis and was an odd enough feeling to make me stop and wonder...and then the rush of water came.  My water broke.  I looked across to Paul and  just said "my water broke"!  He responded, "do you want to go to bathroom?"  He had no idea that water was literally gushing out across from him...all over the floor, a puddle in my chair and soaking my pants.  Literally what you see in the movies (I didn't think that actually happened).  I stood up and walked straight out of the restaurant, I didn't talk to anyone.  Paul wound up paying for our meal (even tho we never got it!) while I was outside standing by the car praying.  He rushed out.  Well, he first asked them to quickly wrap up that lobster roll (he was hungry...!) and then we headed back to Boston.  I called my doctor's office and let them know my water had broken while I had a breech baby and that we would be back to the city in 2 hours with traffic.  The OB immediately got on the phone telling me that I needed to find the closest hospital to us and to not come back to Boston.  If Roswelle started to come down the birth canal it could be very dangerous for her and me.  This really upset me, not only was I definitely having a c-section, it would be at a random hospital!  I was on the verge of getting REALLY upset (the tears were already there but it was more of a whimper than a breakdown).  Paul stayed very calm considering the situation.  Once he heard the urgency of the OB's voice telling us to find a hospital he started looking up hospitals on his phone, while driving, with his wife in labor next to him - bad idea.  He looked up from his phone and a blue "H" hospital road sign was there.  How often do you notice those?  And the chances of it being there exactly when we needed it - almost jumping out at Paul - we don't consider this a coincidence but what we often refer to as a "God thing".  It was just too perfect.  We were being looked after.  We turned left, following the signs and realized we were in a little town called York, Maine.  We were headed to York Hospital.  

I called the hospital as we were pulling in and was greeted on the phone by a sweet lady's voice.  In a panic I asked her if they had a labor and delivery unit which she informed me they did and I then informed her that we were pulling up to the main entrance.  I was placed in a wheelchair and whisked up to the 2nd floor (the top floor).  The hospital is super small and sweet with only 79 rooms in the entire hospital!  The OB walked across the street from his office to check us out.  Roswelle and I were both doing fine and I hadn't dilated at all at that point.  I had two options - get in an ambulance and be taken back to Boston to have the baby or just have the c-section there in about an hour.  Paul and I decided we were going to be having our baby that afternoon in York, Maine.  We were going to have a little Maine-iac. :)   My water broke at 2:30pm and she was out by 4:50pm!  I was 37wks & 4days.  She was 7lbs 2oz, 19 1/4 inches long, and was absolutely perfect.

After they checked her out, they let me do skin-to-skin with her on the operating table.  This was really important to me and I was so happy they basically did everything I asked.  Paul reminded me that it was hard to find a hippier place than Cambridge, MA (which is where she was supposed to be born) but I managed to find one in York.  She wound up latching in the post-op room.  The post-op experience was actually really nice.  It was calm and quiet with just the 3 of us in the room while we were periodically checked on by a nurse. We only had a few visitors, which is what I wanted. Rob, Jenny, and Paul's parents were patiently waiting to meet Roswelle once we got back to our room.  My mom's flight landed at 10:30pm and she was holding Roswelle by midnight that night.

Everything worked out just as it should have.  My prayers had been answered.  God had been with Roswelle and me through the entire process.

Random Roswelle Facts:

Roswelle was Paul's paternal great-grandfather's name and Gray was my maternal great-aunt's name. We decided to choose a name from each of our family trees.  I heard the name Roswelle over the summer while we were talking about family names with Paul's parents and grandmother.  I instantly fell in love with it for a girl's name.  Paul took a little convincing but eventually he warmed up to it and now he can't imagine her being named anything else. 

Her nicknames right now are #peanut #sniffer (an inside joke) #peanutsniffer and #squishypeanut.  She is a very very calm baby.  She only fusses when she is hungry or tired, which only lasts for about 4 minutes before her needs are met (first baby probs).  The longest she has cried was during her newborn shoot when she was 2 weeks old.  I was nervous and Paul was annoyed - and she picked right up on it.  I'll be blogging that next!  

Pictures from THAT morning - started out just like any other day!

 Paul took this 10 minutes before my water broke!

Below are some personal pictures from the first few days with her.

{in love, in shock, and in awe}

{her feet are clones of Paul's}

{2 days old}

{getting ready to go home}

{her NB sized dress was still a little big on her mini-peanut size}

{leaving York Hospital - I already miss it!}

{snug as a bug for the ride home - she slept the entire 1 1/2 hour drive!}

{she loves it when Paul sings to her...usually a country tune}

{her outfit for her first stoller outing}

{it took us about 20 minutes to get out the door}

{we made it 3 blocks and turned around}

{and she was held on the walk back ;)}

next up is a post on her finished nursery and a post from her 2wk old newborn shoot which I previewed on instagram!  be back soon!

A Lashway Baby Brunch

{cutest party favors from; the theme was bow&arrow}

Last weekend Jenny and I had a dual baby brunch shower. Did y'all know? She and Rob are expecting a baby 7 weeks after Paul and me! :) we decided to throw each other a baby shower. She threw it for me, I threw it for her...and our friend Mel threw in the party favors and donuts! It was actually a ton of fun planning our own shower (esp since the both of us like control)...we made the crafts, planned the seating and selected items for the we were really happy with the outcome naturally.

We decided to separate our showers between family and girlfriends.  Paul & Rob's mom, Sandy, threw Jenny and I a beautiful shower in February for family.  Jenny and I really wanted to host a brunch with our closest girlfriends in the city - only around 20 of us total.  

Mel ordered the party favors and donuts (from Union Square Donuts) which really added to the festive feel.  Since, Jenny isn't finding out the sex (which is torturing Paul) the colors were a mix bright pink, blue and teal.

{small plastic pacifiers, spray painted gold, to sprinkle on the table}

Only disappointing thing about the room we reserved @ Sonsie on Newbury, was that it was in the wine room of the the basement...which meant no natural lighting.  I tried my best to get good pictures but my wheelhouse for picture taking is of still objects with natural light.  And I can't stand taking pictures with a flash.  oh well....#whattayagonnadooo

{we had seen these place cards on few blogs and they were actually really easy to make}

{festive coffee & donuts corner - there was also a mimosa bar not pictured}

To save the budget, I went to Trader Joe's the Friday night before and threw together the flower arrangements.

{35 weeks & 28 weeks}

{more preggos...38weeks, 35weeks, and 28weeks}

A few of the girls went in together to give the moses basket....I'm much so that I pranced around with it when I got home (that is...after I IMMEDIATELY switched into a t-shirt and sweats...basically all clothing is MIZ when 8 months pregnant)

{sweet books from Tara L}

{and I'll leave you with accidental picture but I like it!}