andddd she's up!

She is standing!!  The sun was out in spurts today but that didn't stop the fun.  I took 200 pictures today (practicing) and I caught this sweet little sequence of Roswelle and Paul.  She started standing on her own yesterday.  We are all really excited for the steps.  However, I am enjoying the last few days of her being somewhat immobile...I'm told it's a whole different ballgame when they walk! up, handstands!!

...or headstands. ;) #coachpaul

beach day snapshot

Paul, Roswelle, and I arrived in Destin, FL late last night.  It is just going to be the three of us in our family condo until Saturday when we will move into a rented house for a week that will hold us, Mom, my brother Carson, his friend Jeff, my grandparents, my aunt Wendy and hopefully my brothers Trey and Evan at some point (busy with work and school).  

These are unedited pictures from today - which I think is a total no-no in the photography world - but I don't have the patience to edit them while on vacation.  I have been messing around with all the settings and also loving my the new lens.  I spent 20 minutes following Roswelle around on the beach (which she absolutely loves - she can't get enough of the sand) and I got some pretty shots of her after all.  

btw - I can't believe how amazing it feels to have warm skin from the sun/air.  love.the.South.

I think she is going to start walking while we are here - I'll keep y'all updated!

Roswelle Gray: 3 months old!

It makes me sad that I don't get to blog as much these days...I don't want to only blog about my new baby but it is pretty much what my life consists of now.  We are ordering a new stove this week so that will be a fun house update post coming up.  Roswelle is becoming a little more independent where she will actually play on her activity mat for a good chunk of time so maybe I can do some fun things around the house soon and blog it up.

BUT back to R... she is 3 1/2 months already!  She is getting more and more animated and her eyes keep getting bluer...hopefully they will reach Paul's crystal blue.  

Below are some shots of what we have been up to lately...if you follow me on Instagram some of these will be repeats. (follow us - our handles are @saralaurenl and @paul_lash)

My mom bought us the BoB stroller and we loveeeee it (including R!) She will typically fall asleep in it - even while I run.  It has been a great motivator to get me running again.  It is so light and smooth.  I definitely recommend it for an active stroller.  

{having the best time!}

Walking down Longnook Beach two weekends ago.  Paul's mom bought a 10ft umbrella and 2 kid sized tents for the girls to lay in out of the sun.  Yesterday Roswelle took a 2hr nap on the beach.  

{Paul and I had a date night at a Zac Brown Band concert in Fenway}

{my "Maine-iac" in her Lobstah attire]

{she dipped her toes in the chilly pool and was pretty content}

{baby blues and pink lips}

{all smiles}

{July 4th with her cousin Madelyn who is 8wks younger than Roswelle}

{tub time at the cottage}

Above is my favorite picture to date.  This was at 7am and everyone was happy and calm. 

{I love this picture - her chin is out of control - in the best way}

I hope y'all had a fun and safe 4th of July!  I'll be posting about our new stove when it comes in.  Have a great week!